The Ultimate Meal Planning Framework

Learn to Create Personalized Menus with Your Own Recipes in 4 Steps!

meal prep

My 4 step comprehensive program

Are you ready to say goodbye to the stress of last-minute meal decisions and hello to a more organized, delicious, and budget-friendly way of eating?

Afraid you’ll be stuck with recipes you don’t like?

Ready for someone to hold your hand throughout the entire process?

Have no fear - you will be empowered to create your own meal plans with ease!

I believe that the most effective meal plans are those that are tailored to an individual's unique preferences, lifestyle, and culinary skills. That's why I work with you to teach you how to meal plan using your own recipes and favorite foods.

When we work together, I assess your dietary requirements, food preferences, and any constraints you may have, such as time or budget limitations. Together, we compile a list of your favorite recipes that align with your nutritional goals, ensuring that you enjoy the meals you plan and are more likely to stick with your plan.

I educate you on the principles of balanced nutrition, portion control, and meal composition, forming the foundation for effective meal planning. I also introduce you to various meal planning tools, such as apps, templates, and calendars, that can simplify the process and help you stay organized.

This program includes:

Together, we'll embark on a transformative 4-week journey, during which you'll receive personalized coaching to help you implement your ultimate meal prep plan. Through our collaboration, you'll gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate your unique challenges and achieve your health goals, all while enjoying delicious, nourishing meals.

  1. Defining your personalized nutrition and meal prep objectives

    To begin, we will work together to define your specific nutrition and meal prep goals, which will streamline your meal planning process and ensure your meals align with your unique health objectives.

  2. Building your unique recipe library

    During this step, you will compile your favorite recipes and go-to meals to create a personalized collection that we'll later organize into a convenient meal prep calendar.

  3. Mastering the art of balanced meal creation

    Next, we will dive into the world of nutrition with our comprehensive handouts covering essential topics like crafting the perfect meal, mastering portion control, understanding the balanced plate concept, and learning the fundamentals of meal prepping, empowering you to make informed choices for your health.

  4. Creating your customized meal plan

    In this final step, you will use a blank calendar template to map out your meals for the entire month, taking into account your daily schedule and commitments. By strategically planning your meals around your busiest days, you'll be better prepared to maintain your healthy eating habits no matter what life throws your way.

    To make your meal prep even easier, I'll provide personalized guidance in creating a comprehensive shopping list based on your customized meal plan, ensuring you have all the ingredients you need for a successful month of healthy eating.

If you would like to talk to me about this comprehensive program, schedule a FREE appointment so you can see how I can help you set up your meal planning for success!

This 4-step framework is for you IF…

  • You are tired of trying to meal plan over and over again, but never follow through.

  • You don’t have time to use a pre-designed meal plan with recipes you don’t know how to make.

  • You find that it’s easier to eat out all the time instead of cooking at home.

  • You think it takes too much time to plan ahead and streamline your grocery shopping.

  • You think it costs more to cook at home than to just eat out.

  • You want to take control of your nutrition and make healthier choices that suit your goals.

  • "Cindi has a knack for knowing which healthier foods/ingredients can be substituted for unhealthy ones. Her knowledge of nutrition is always something I can count on!"

    Isaac M.


Don’t need personalized coaching?

Then the DIY program is perfect for you. Still the same content (videos, handouts), but you can complete it at your own pace.

Instead of 1-on-1 coaching, you get two 15-minute zoom Q&A sessions, to help you on your journey.

Are you ready for 4 weeks of personalized, 1-on-1 coaching, so you can say goodbye to the stress of last-minute meal decisions and hello to a more organized, delicious, and budget-friendly way of eating!

**INTRODUCTORY PRICE (expires 6/1/24)